antienzyme|antienzymes in English


substance which slows or neutralizes enzyme activity

Use "antienzyme|antienzymes" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "antienzyme|antienzymes" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "antienzyme|antienzymes", or refer to the context using the word "antienzyme|antienzymes" in the English Dictionary.

1. ANTIENZYMES, such as Antirennin, antipepsin, anti-trypsin, anticatalase, antiemulsin, antiamylase and others, have been described in enzyme literature, but there always has been considerable doubt of their existence

2. Antiegoistic\A antiegoist\N antiegotism\N antiegotistically\v antiegotistical\A antiegotistic\A antiegotist\NA antiempirically\v antiempirical\A antiempiricism\N antiempiricist\NA antiempiric\NA antienergistic\A antienthusiasm\N antienthusiastically\v antienthusiastic\A antienthusiast\N antienzymatic\A antienzyme\N antierosion\A antierosive\A

3. Antiegoist\N antiegotism\N antiegotistically\v antiegotistical\A antiegotistic\A antiegotist\NA antiempirically\v antiempirical\A antiempiricism\N antiempiricist\NA antiempiric\NA antienergistic\A antienthusiasm\N antienthusiastically\v antienthusiastic\A antienthusiast\N antienzymatic\A antienzyme\N antierosion\A antierosive\A Antietam\N